Curriculum at St Bede's

Our aims and intent

We strive to provide ‘Christian education at its best’ embracing the values of Belonging, Education, Determination, Excellence and Service (BEDES).  At St Bede’s we offer a broad and balanced curriculum that is accessible and ambitious for all students including those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special educational needs. Our curriculum provides opportunities for students to gain secure knowledge across a wide range of subjects and develop key, transferable, lifelong skills.

"The positive attitude of pupils means that lessons are very rarely disrupted. They enjoy their time in class and describe their lessons as ‘inspirational’. The content of these inspirational lessons reflects the high expectations that staff have for what pupils can accomplish."

Ofsted 2023

Students at St Bede's are happy and flourish because they are supported in an environment where they are cared for and encouraged to be individuals. The curriculum at St Bede’s has been carefully created to ensure that we meet national curriculum expectations and effectively tackles each examination specification.

Heads of department and course leaders have carefully planned a curriculum which enables all students, whatever their ability and prior attainment, to make rapid and sustained progress.  Our curriculum is focused on ‘closing the gap’ so those from disadvantaged backgrounds achieve outcomes in line with their non-disadvantaged peers.  This includes ensuring that all students are well prepared for examinations at the end of Key Stages 4 and 5 where results are significantly above the national average.

"Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who are disadvantaged, achieve very highly."Ofsted 2023

Our curriculum offer enables students at St Bede’s to:

  • Have high aspirations for themselves and enable them to excel and fully develop their talents.
  • Embrace their faith while respecting different traditions and denominations. All students will respect their faith in God, respect themselves, respect others and respect learning.
  • Become curious and inquisitive learners whilst ensuring development and growth in their faith.  
  • Develop key literacy skills and have a love of reading.  
  • Develop a high level of numeracy which enables them to succeed across the curriculum.
  • Know how to keep themselves mentally and physically well.
  • Respect their local, regional and global environment.
  • Develop socially, morally, spiritually and culturally.
  • Gain confidence in making choices and develop their understanding of future career options and pathways.
  • Develop important skills such as problem solving and evaluation.  
  • Learn and flourish outside the classroom broadening their understanding of subjects taught.
  • Gain an appreciation and clear understanding of British values.
  • Explore and develop their character, resilience and spirituality through citizenship, DRE and PSHE.
  • Develop highly effective metacognition skills.
  • Have opportunities to build strong links with the local community and the Church.

"Leaders in subjects across the school have created an ambitious curriculum."Ofsted 2023

In recent years, at Key Stage 4, we have introduced vocational qualifications such as sport, engineering, iMedia and health and social care. These qualifications complement the wide range of GCSE subjects on offer at St Bede’s. We embrace the English Baccuralate whilst also avoiding limiting the number of option subjects. We are determined and passionate in our desire to deliver creative subjects such as art, drama, music and photography. We strive to replicate this offer of subjects within the sixth form so that the transition from Year 11 to the sixth form is as smooth as possible.

"Leaders have also ensured that pupils throughout the school benefit from well-chosen visits, clubs and opportunities to support their community."Ofsted 2023

If you would like to know about the curriculum offered then please contact Mr Saunders (Deputy Headteacher) who is the curriculum lead at St Bede’s.

All students follow a two-week timetable. 

For more information about all subjects taught at each key stage, please click here.

For our Teaching and Learning policy - please click here.

For our Equality Compliance Statement - please click here.

Printable version of the The Curriculum at St Bede's

Key stage 3 (Years 7-9) curriculum

KS3 Curriculum

Year group


Subjects studied (number of periods in brackets)

Year 7

All students follow the same curriculum for the year. Students study Design & Technology (DT) for half of the year (3 periods) and then they swap to food (2pds) and textiles (1pd) for the other half of the year - and vice versa. The majority of subjects are taught in the students' tutor group. 

Students are set by ability for maths only.

Maths (7), English (7), science (6), Modern Foreign Language (MFL - 4 of either French, German or Spanish), PE (3), geography (3), history (3), RE (3), DT/food/textiles (3), art (2), music (2), drama (2), computing (2), PSHE (1), denominational RE (1) and citizenship (1)

Year 8

In Year 8, students are mixed up across the year into teaching groups. The majority of lessons are taught in these teaching groups. Students follow the same format as Year 7 for DT and food/textiles. Some students will stop studying an MFL and instead take 4 periods of additional English. 

Students are set by ability for both maths and English. 

In Year 8 the students also study an 'Elective'. This subject changes every six weeks so that students get to try lots of different topics.

Maths (6), English (6), Science (5), MFL (4 of either Fr, Gn, Sp or additional English), PE (3), geography (3), history (3), RE (3), DT/food/textiles (3), elective (3) art (2), music (2), drama (2), computing (2), PSHE (1), denominational RE (1) and citizenship (1).

There are 14 different elective choices and students will complete 6 of these over the school year. Subjects offered include psychology, media studies, sociology and DT.

Year 9

In year 9, students are given some choices about what they would like to study alongside the core subjects. Students choose 1 subject from DT, food and textiles. Whichever they choose, they will study for the whole year (3 pds). Students also choose 2 subjects from art, drama, music and additional PE. They will study each of their chosen 2 subjects for 3 pds. Students continue with their MFL unless they do additional English instead. 

Students are set by ability for maths, English and science. 

Maths (7), English (7), science (6), MFL (4 of either Fr, Gn, Sp or add English), PE (3), geography (3), history (3), RE (3), DT/food/textiles (3), art/music/drama/add PE Option 1 (3) , art/music/drama/add PE Option 2 (3), computing (2), PSHE (1), denominational RE (1) and citizenship (1).


Key stage 4 (Years 10-11) curriculum

KS4 Curriculum

In recent years, at Key Stage 4, we have introduced vocational qualifications such as sport, engineering, iMedia and health and social care. These qualifications complement the wide range of GCSE subjects on offer at St Bede’s. We embrace the English Baccalaureate whilst also avoiding limiting the number of option subjects. We are determined and passionate in our desire to deliver creative subjects such as art, drama, music and photography. We strive to replicate this offer of subjects within the sixth form so that the transition from Year 11 to the sixth form is as smooth as possible.

Year group Overview Subjects studied (number of periods in brackets)

Year 10

Students start their GCSE and Cambridge National courses in Year 10. All students study maths, English (language and literature), science and RE for GCSE. 

They are then given a choice of 4 more subjects. One of their options must be history or geography. They then have a free choice of 3 more subjects. We strongly advise that one of these choices should be an MFL. All students also have core PE lessons. 

The majority of students will take double science. Around 90 of the most able students will study triple science and have one extra science lesson per fortnight. 

If students are not able to take 4 options, then we do offer some students the opportunity of Curriculum Support in place of one option.

Maths (6), English (7), science (9 for double science and 10 for triple science), RE (5), PE (2 for double scientists and 1 for triple scientists), Option 1 (5), Option 2 (5), Option 3 (5), Option 4 (5) and Citizenship (1). 

GCSE Subjects offered for options are: history, geography, business studies, computing, DT, food and nutrition, PE, textiles, French, German, Spanish, photography, art, drama and music.

We also offer Cambridge Nationals in: creative iMedia, sport, engineering, health and social care. 


Year 11

Students complete their GCSE and Cambridge National courses in Year 11. All students have to study maths, English (language and literature), science and RE for GCSE. 

They also study their 4 option choices. All students  have core PE lessons. Triple science students have two extra science lessons per fortnight. If needed, some students also have access to Curriculum Support as in year 10.

Maths (7), English (6), science (9 for double science and 11 for triple science), RE(5), PE (2 for double scientists and 1 for triple scientists), option 1 (5), option 2 (5), option 3 (5), option 4 (5) and citizenship (1 or 0 for triple scientists).

Key Stage 4 Options Booklets

​KS4 (SH) Options Booklet 2021-23

KS4 (KU) Options Booklet 2022-24

KS4 (WD) Options Booklet 2023-25

Key stage 5 (Years 12-13) curriculum

KS5 Curriculum

Year group Overview Subjects studied (number of taught periods in brackets)

Year 12

Students in Year 12 choose to study three subjects. With the exception of further maths students, some will start with four subjects and then drop down to three courses early in Year 12. We offer A level and Cambridge Technical (CTEC) qualifications. Students are also given the opportunity to study for an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) in addition to their courses. All students follow a citizenship programme and a  non-examined philosophy of ideas course. Students attend supervised study every week and sit a fortnightly assessment in each subject.

Students are encouraged to take part in enrichment opportunities.

Subject 1 (9 taught periods and 1 assessment lesson); Subject 2 (9 and 1 assessment lesson); Subject 3 (9 and 1 assessment lesson), EPQ (2), philosophy of ideas (1), supervised study (2) and citizenship (1)

Students have tutor time and assemblies on three days a week with a mentoring session every half term.

Year 13

Students continue their A level or Cambridge Technical courses and sit public examinations in the summer term. Students attend supervised study every week and sit a fortnightly assessment in each subject. 

All students follow a citizenship programme and are able to take part in enrichment opportunities.

Subject 1 (9 and 1 assessment lesson); Subject 2 (9 and 1 assessment lesson); Subject 3 (9 and 1 assessment lesson), citizenship (1) and supervised study (2).

Students have tutor time and assemblies on three days a week with a mentoring session every half term.

A levels: art, biology, business studies, chemistry, computing, drama, DT, economics, English literature, English language, French, geography, German, politics, history, maths, further maths, media studies, music, PE, photography, physics, psychology, philosophy and ethics, sociology, Spanish and textiles.

Cambridge Technicals (CTECs): business; health and social care and sport.

For more information about the sixth form subjects, please see our course leaflets.

For more information about our Sixth Form, please go to our Sixth Form pages.

Subjects available at each key stage

Key stage 3 - Years 7-9

Key stage 4 - Years 10-11

Key stage 5 - Years 12-13

Citizenship and PSHE
French, German or Spanish
Denomination RE

Six electives in Year 8

Core subjects
Science (double or triple award)

GCSE options
Design and Technology
Food Preparation and Nutrition
Physical Education
Textile Design

Cambridge Nationals* 
Creative iMedia
Health and Social Care



*non GCSE subjects

A levels
Design & Technology
Drama & Theatre Studies
English Language
English Literature
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) -
  taken alongside at least
  three other subjects

Further Maths - must be
   taken with maths

Media Studies
Physical Education
RS, Philosophy and
Textile Design

Cambridge Technicals (CTECs)
Health & Social Care
Sport & Physical