
Our Chaplains are present every day to offer a friendly face and support students.
They are here to support the students and to encourage them to live out their faith each day.

We are very fortunate to have three chaplains supporting the spiritual life, and celebrating the ecumenical nature of the school, one for each of the three Christian denominations - Catholic, Anglican and Free Church.

The chaplains facilitate and lead our collective worship times for both students and staff, providing both ecumenical and denominational services, as well as worship resources and prayers for tutor groups, assemblies and lead special services marking important events in the Christian calendar. They lead various Christian student groups that aims to encourage students to develop and live out their faith within the school community and beyond, including a St Vincent de Paul (SVP) group, Christian Union groups and prayer clubs. In the past year, students have taken part in the Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox Appeal and supported our local Foodbank.

There are three chaplains that work part-time: 

Mrs Foulkes (Anglican Chaplain)

Mrs Persaud (Catholic Chaplain)

Mrs Hedderly (Free Church Chaplain)

The chaplaincy team forms an important part of the pastoral structure at St Bede’s for students, staff and parents/carers, providing general pastoral support for all, including 1:1 and group sessions for students as required. They also work closely with year teams and our other support mechanisms within the school. The team provides specific support for students such as 'young carers' (in liaison with Surrey Young Carers) and through bereavement and loss, both in the short and longer terms. They are aware of the need to protect confidentiality (within the limits of safeguarding) and respect the wishes of the individual at all times, as appropriate. The chapel is open to various year groups at break and lunchtimes as a safe and friendly place for students to go to. There is always at least one member of the chaplaincy team around. 

Please click here to access to a letter and form to complete if you want to contact the chaplains regarding a young carer.

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