Inclusion & SEND


The Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) team at St Bede’s aims to identify and overcome potential barriers to learning and to meet the needs of all SEND students within and beyond the school setting. The SEND team, led by the SENDCo, Miss Douglas, helps students who have difficulties with cognition and learning, those with communication difficulties, social, emotional and behaviour difficulties and those with sensory and medical physical difficulties. Our SEND provision takes into account the full scope of student support, first and foremost this is the delivery of high quality, whole class teaching, guided and group work and individual interventions.

SEND students are supported in a range of different ways, which are outlined in our SEND policy below and include the following:

  • In-class support for students with an education and health care plan (EHCP) provided by a dedicated team of SEND Support Assistants.
  • A dedicated learning space for withdrawal groups.
  • Specialist interventions aimed at supporting learners with literacy, numeracy and social skills needs.
  • Support for students to access their examinations.
  • Access to external agencies to support students who present with a range of difficulties. These include but are not limited to, social, emotional and mental health needs as well as cognitive, physical and sensory needs

To contact the SENDCo - Miss T Douglas, please go to our Contact form page and select 'Learning Support Department' from the dropdown list.

Please view our SEND policy and additional information below: